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The answer really is simple: hard work, perseverance and amazing partnerships.

Over the years I've had the pleasure of working, collaborating with and becoming
an ambassador for many companies and products whose ethos align with my own. Some of those are listed below. If you'd like to work together, please get in touch.

  • Youtube
  • Facebook
  • TikTok
  • Instagram
  • LinkedIn
how I got here

"Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much."
– Helen Keller

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Six Senses Logo.png
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African bush camps logo.jpg
Nihi logo.jpg
cocoplum logo.png
Taltarni Logo.png
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gold coast tourism logo.jpg
sandals logo.png

Eco Tan

"Amber's laughter is like a song. We chose her to be the face of Eco Tan as she has the same values and ethos of our company. Her eyes sparkle and you can sense her kindness when she walks into a room. Amber is more comfortable being bare foot than in heels, a woman after our own heart"

“Amber Wyatt is a great lively person to work with. She presents herself as both a strong and elegant women, who is adventurous and loves to discover new things on her travels. What we love about working with Amber is that she is always up for a challenge, puts 110% into her work, and most of all has an extremely uplifting smile! She’s never afraid to have a bit of a giggle while remaining professional when she needs to!  We are always extremely excited to see Amber travel far and live pure!”

CB Accessories

“From the first time we meet Amber, we knew she was the perfect fit for CB. Not only is she absolutely beautiful, but she’s professional and easy going; making her a pleasure to work with! Her energetic and playful nature ensures there’s never a full moment at one of our shoots – we’re always looking forward to the next one!”


Taltarni Vineyards

“Amber Wyatt is professional, creative and enthusiastic in her approach to marketing and media management. Her product knowledge combined with her vibrancy makes her a terrific presenter and event host.”

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